
Rate vs Range OTA Measurements

Project Kickoff
Product Release

Rate vs Range OTA Measurements

HL Global offers a dedicated service for conducting customized Rate vs Range (RvR) Over-the-Air (OTA) measurements in an anechoic chamber to measure the wireless performance of WiFi devices accurately.

RvR measurements allow evaluation of the Line of Sight (LoS) OTA throughput performance of a Device Under Test (DUT) at different distances from, and orientations relative to, an Access Point (AP) in an anechoic chamber environment. These measurements help to determine the effective connection range and throughput, as well as provide valuable insights into the device performance including discovery of potential issues with wireless connection for different modes of operation.

Anechoic chambers are designed to minimize reflections of electromagnetic waves, providing an ideal environment for precise RF measurements including RvR. In these measurements, DUT is placed on top of a step-motion turntable. The distance between DUT and AP is simulated by changing the attenuation of the measurement system. Rotation of the turntable is added to the measurement process to see how OTA throughput performance is affected by the device orientation. The antenna system at the AP side comprises dual-polarized horn antennas.

RvR measurements we offer are repeatable and dependable, allowing accurate reproducibility of any conceivable measurement campaign scenario.

Whether your goal is to develop a new wireless device or improve the performance of an existing one, HL Global’s Rate vs. Range OTA measurement services offer invaluable insight into your device’s wireless performance. Apart from providing these services, we will support you in improving the overall OTA throughput performance and reliability of your wireless devices.

HLGlobal Corp

Service Details

How will you benefit from this service?

  • Accurate evaluation and reliable data on the performance of wireless devices across varying distances to assess product capabilities
  • Determine the effective range of wireless devices to ensure optimal coverage and connectivity
  • Identification of potential coverage gaps or signal degradation
  • Validate design choices to ensure that products meet performance requirements
  • Faster time-to-market by expediting the testing process and accelerating the product development cycle